Saturday, April 17, 2010

Adding Little Pleasures To Create Energy

In an earlier exercise I identified many things in my life I was just tolerating, and began the process of eliminating them from my life in an effort to gain energy. The same goes for bad habits such as smoking, caffeine addiction, etc. Those behaviors drain your energy, so ideally you want to replace them with energy boosting, positive behaviors. We all know what our addictions and bad habits are, but in order to give them less importance in our lives, we need to find give them less of our time and focus. So this exercise involved writing down 10 pleasures that I could add to my life daily that I'd look forward to doing. Yikes, ten?!

I came up with a list and was sure that several of them were just added to get the list to ten. One of those being to "dance" to a song. Have you ever danced to a complete song, all by yourself? Songs can be reeeeally long! And even though I am physically fit, it is exhausting. I have since re-evaluated how much positive that brings to my day, and may just tap my feet or a swing a hip to the chorus!

I also included on the list, "sing along to a song or songs". This wasn't much of an addition to my life because I pretty much do it every day anyway. So I'm not sure this counts, but it does give me pleasure so I'm keeping it on the list!

I included reading from a fictional novel or mystery to the list of ten. The funny thing is, is that the more I am learning about what I like and enjoy, the more time I want to spend on other pleasures besides reading fiction! So I have since removed that from the list and replaced it with my new found or rediscovered pleasure of writing!

I wanted laughter to be an important part of my daily life. Initially, I thought it'd be fun to watch a short segment from the comedy channel. However, I have learned that I don't think all comedians are equally funny! So, I am learning to look for opportunities to laugh. And it turns out that it isn't as hard as I thought it'd be because I myself provide plenty of opportunities! Not only that, once you get in the habit of laughing, it seems like more opportunities are sent to you!

I have given myself time to write daily in a gratitude journal which does wonders for creating a positive approach to the day! Along with this, is giving me quiet time to read the bible and pray.

Also on the list were eating one meal outside, exercising, and learning something new.

Since the creation of this list, I have found that as I've de-cluttered and replaced some negative behaviors that I've discovered other things I really enjoy and have unconsciously added to my list. I light candles everyday for the mood and the pleasant smell, and I've begun to where perfume everyday too!

What I am getting out of these daily pleasures, is that I am gaining a better perspective on my real likes and loves and these will likely evolve as I go through more of the self - coaching exercises. Also, I am now a better smelling, more easy-going, spiritual person which is not only great for me, but for my friends, family, coworkers and customers, too!

What is on your 10 daily pleasures list, and how does including these everyday change your behavior, attitude and/or perspective? Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting idea - very thought provoking. I will let you know when I get my 10 up on my blog. I think I would have to reach for 10 things too.
